Wendy Crockett

I am a factory trained motorcycle technician; I owned a motorcycle shop for 14 years until earlier this year, when we closed up shop in preparation for this trip. I’ve traveled extensively on two wheels, reaching the furthest corners of North America: from Mexico to Newfoundland, Key West to the Arctic Circle. I’ve amassed well over half a million miles on two wheels, most of them solo. I also compete in motorcycle endurance rides: I have podium finishes in a number of events, including the 11-day, 11,000 mile Iron Butt Rally and the 10-day, 10,000 mile 10-n-10 Rally. Riding over 13,000 miles solo in 11 days is one thing; riding 13,000 miles over a span of weeks, in a series of foreign countries, while living on motorcycles with my husband and daughter will be another thing entirely. It will be a totally new kind of adventure, but I’m absolutely up to the challenge!

My pre-ride duties will include overall logistics: Getting our bikes to South America, getting all of our paperwork in order, that type of thing. Once our travels are underway, I will be our chief mechanic and navigator. I will also do my very best to assist with my basic Spanish skills, for that brief period of time after we leave and before my daughter becomes the most fluent Spanish speaker in our family.